Black and White photograph of a group of men posed in the forefront of a small pavilion with lots of foliage. Names listed below as follows : "Back row: L to R- Rev. Slaney Poole; C. McIntyre; caterer Bridge St; A. Frase Town Clerk Ball't East; F.R. Maloney, engineer Water Commission; C. Johnstin councillor Ball't East, Rev. Henry Howard Methodist Church Lydiard St.; t.F. Hart reporter 'The Star'; Nobel Wilson Chairman Water Commission; Dr Robert Scott; J.N. Dunn MLR; J.B. Cathcart Secretary Water Commission; ? Low, ranger Water Commission".
"Bottom row, L to R: Hon. T.D. Wanliss, MLC; Isiah Pearce councillor Ball't East; Hon. D. Ham MLC; C.C. Shoppee councillor Ball't East;W. Scott Water Commission; H. Elliot councillor Ball't East; G. Whykes councillor Ball't City; Hon. R.T. Vale MLA; John Heinz councillor Bll't City; W. Stephens reporter 'The Courier'; Mr ? Water Commission".
Reverse: Line enraving (Orange and black) of a group of shops. These are :"T. Chuck, photographer; W. Courbould, tailor; F.W. Niven & Co, printers; C. Ahbee, Camp Hotel."
black and white photographic print. Picture ruined by silverfish. Section remaining shows a delivery vehicle used by Rowlands & Lewis in 1854. |